Enjoy Unique Stays
Chattanooga, Tennessee
over 110 properties
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“When everything goes right, it’s incredibly rewarding to see guests share in that masterpiece we’ve created for them.”

Fred Boothby
Founder, Enjoy Unique Stays

The Problem

Fred Boothby has been in the vacation rental industry long enough to know that while running a short-term rental business can be incredibly rewarding, it can also be a logistical headache. With over 110 properties scattered across multiple states, Fred’s team at Enjoy Unique Stays in Chattanooga was facing three major challenges:

Accounting headaches

With a portfolio of properties across different locations and a separate specialist construction company managing renovations, trust accounting became a nightmare. Juggling multiple LLCs (12, to be exact) while keeping guest and owner finances accurate required more than just spreadsheets and a good head for math — it needed automation.

Communication chaos

Managing guest communications, internal messages between team members, owner inquiries and vendor coordination was overwhelming. The team was constantly buried under a mountain of emails, calls, and guest inquiries, making it difficult to ensure nothing fell through the cracks.

Complicated task management

Keeping properties in top shape with timely cleaning and maintenance was a logistical maze. While Enjoy Unique Stays’ existing tech handled some cleaning tasks, the system wasn’t fully integrated, so task tracking and quality control was a manual process, prone to errors.

“With Boom, we as the users are involved in their journey, which is so valuable because it means that the software is really being built and designed for the user.” — Fred Boothby, Founder of Enjoy Unique Stays

The Solution

Stress-free trust accounting 

Fred’s trust accounting headache is now a walk in the park, thanks to Boom’s powerful accounting tools. Boom’s AI-driven system allows Fred to streamline finances for the 12 LLCs he’s working on while keeping everything accurate and transparent for property owners. 

By automating expense tracking, revenue management, and financial reporting, as well as offering automated reports for everyone who needs them, Boom makes sure that every penny is accounted for and takes the headache out of accounting. 

“Our accounting matrix is a little more complex than most, but Boom has already changed how we handle the books.” — Fred Boothby
Centralized communications

With properties spread across several states, Enjoy Unique Stays was feeling the strain of mounting messages from guests, owners, investors, contractors, cleaners, and more. Boom’s unified inbox centralizes guest inquiries, owner updates, and vendor coordination into one easy-to-manage platform, and employs AI to respond to the requests it can. Whether it’s responding to a guest question about Wi-Fi at a Tennessee cabin or managing a cleaner in Michigan, Boom’s AI makes sure Fred’s team stays on top of every conversation. With Boom handling responses to the easy stuff using the guest portal, the team was able to focus on the human touchpoints that matter most.

“The more organized you can be, the better able you are to deliver on expectations and deliver the right information. That means preparing really good videos or a virtual guidebook, which your team or the Boom’s AI can draw on to make sure that guests have access to everything they need. We’ve been really impressed with how the AI is more than just a chatbot, it’s a real agent.”  — Fred Boothby
Mastering task management

With over 110 properties, staying on top of cleaning and maintenance is critical to maintain the high standards vacation rental guests demand. Boom’s task management system allows Fred’s team to convert tasks into tickets, ensuring that nothing was missed. The AI even tied reviews and guest messages to tasks, so any issue flagged by a guest was seamlessly turned into a to-do item for the appropriate team.

With real-time tracking and performance analytics, Boom’s task management tools also help Fred and his team recognize which cleaners are going above and beyond, so they can be rewarded accordingly and share their knowledge with other staff members. Boom’s detailed reporting even allows Fred to track cleaning times against budgets, optimizing efficiency across the board.

“With review tracking this advanced, we have so much more oversight on what’s working. If you want to attract the best people, you have to be able to recognize who they are and reward them. A big focus of mine is getting to the point where we can confidently do that using technology.” — Fred Boothby

Why Enjoy Unique Stays recommends Boom

Enjoy Unique Stays has a complex business, and not just any software could fit into their systems without creating significantly more work. From streamlining complex accounting processes, to simplifying guest communication and task management, Boom has brought clarity, efficiency, and automation to Fred’s fast-growing business. Now, the team spends less time on manual tasks and more time focusing on what really matters – delivering excellent guest experiences and scaling the business with confidence. For Enjoy Unique Stays, Boom is the key to growing their business into the coming years. 

“I recommend Boom to anyone serious about growing their vacation rental business. I’m a big fan of not only where Boom is at presently, but where they’re going. If you’re not looking for a dinosaur, but a software that’s going to be relevant into the future, Boom is the one for you.”

Fred Boothby
Founder, Enjoy Unique Stays

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With normal operations running smoothly in the background and information shared on-demand with guests and owners, can now prioritize creating amazing guest experiences and building lasting relationships with property owners.


“When I first got the chance to experience Boom, I was excited to see a product that tied so many different aspects of the property management business together into one system where they all talk to each other.”

Benjamin Vail
Owner, Housepitality

Boom’s AI tools have been a game-changer for automating guest feedback and staying on top of reviews, helping Housepitality stay ahead of the competition. Boom has given Benjamin’s team the tools they need to work smarter, build trust with owners, and boost profitability.

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“I’ve been in vacation rentals for 20 years and I've seen a lot of different products, but what I saw in Boom was the potential for something that could really assist me in building and running my business better.”

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